Valentine 2021

My Dear wife Churi,

Every day I thank the Lord above
For blessing me with you,

To some people, February 14th is just another day.
For me, this is a day to take time and say... I love you and express my feeling. 
Stop, and think what we've been through and how much our love grew.

Every day I see your beautiful, smiling face,
And there are moments that I stare and you take my breath away
and leave me with nothing to say.
On this special day,
I ask myself how it is possible to love a person like you so much. (Unique,Different amazing beautiful)
My heart has been permanently touched.
All the tears and pain seem to go away.
The pieces of my heart that were chiseled away, you make them okay.
Once there was a deep, dark hole nobody could touch,
Until you came and filled it with all your love.
More than I could write down, tell, explain, or even try to show
In this life or the next.
I'm with you the rest of my life,
Until the day I say goodbye to this world.

Words may not even be able to do the magic of communicating all I feel for you. Maybe our hearts know this better because they speak in a particular language, ‘the language of love’.

Happy valentine my Churi❤️❤️



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