Valentine Day 2019
My Dear, Wife ❤❤
No written words can adequately express our deep, deep love. We know how great you are and we,
I love you so much; more than words can express. You drive me to be a better person for myself and for you. Thank you for being the most amazing woman in the world. I don’t deserve you but I am glad we have one another.
I love you in ways more than words can describe. I love your gorgeous smile and the way your skin radiates when you are smiling. I love your warm, soft lips when they press against mine. I love your laugh, it’s so sweet and genuine. I love your hands and how they feel holding mine. I love how amazing we are together and how anguished we are when we are apart. I love you. You are the love of my life and my soul mate. I look forward to every day we are together, and more so, the days beyond that hold the unknown and unseen happiness we will have together.
I am blessed to have such an amazing woman by my side.
Thank you for all that you do for me. You are an amazing, beautiful, fantastic woman. I love you too much.❤❤
Your husband
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