I want to live with you

I want to live with you

I want to:

Find a place in our hearts that is solely for one another
Where we can become one
Our blood flows at the same time in the same direction

I want to:

Have a connection so strong that we can know exactly what one another is thinking before spoken.
Soothe the pain inflicted by others before it becomes a nagging ache ready to be taken out on our love.
Be Intertwined with harmony, so in tune that people can hear our song before we approach them.

I want to live with you

Knowing your likes and dislikes
Know your style of dress from head to toe.

I want to:

I love the way you surprise me
Sleep in your air, fixating on the rhythm of each breath you take.

I want to:

Dream the dreams you have
Make reality as perfect as the vision you’re inspired by.

I am deep into you and that isn’t enough.
I want to live with you forever.


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