
Showing posts from December, 2018

Long Romantic Love letter for Churi

My beautiful wife and me My love Churi, ❤❤ This is my unconditional love for you, from me to you. I love you, with all my heart. I will never stop loving you. You are my life, my world. Distance may keep us apart, but you will always and forever be embedded deep within my heart. If I could describe the love that I have for you, I would try and use lyrics of love songs and even the sonnets of Shakespeare and it would be impossible, because the love that I love for you is real, unconditional, everlasting and indescribable. You've had my heart and love from the day we met and you will have it forever. My promise to you is that you can always count on me. I will listen when you need it, give advice when you want it and bring a bottle of Champagne when that is what is required. I wish you each a life of love, health and happiness, and enough wealth to make you comfortable. Thank you for making my life so much more charming, adventurous and lovely. I love you so m...