My Beautiful wife

My Beautiful wife Dearest Chandana, I remember the feeling I had when we first met 3 years ago. It is difficult to describe in words because in some ways there are no words for what we felt. It was an instant knowing of each other and of something much grander than either of us. It felt like time stood still… in fact, that there was no time. We knew each other and the love between us even before we opened our mouths to speak. Since that moment I have never tired of looking into your eyes because the depth and quality I see is priceless, endless, timeless and deeply inspiring We have always seen each other for who we are, willing to look beyond all the layers we have placed on top. And we have felt the power of this love between us. This is something that has sustained us, healed us and grown even deeper, richer and stronger as the years have gone by. I know I love and understand you more now because I love myself and understand myself more deeply than I did when we met. ...