
Showing posts from June, 2018

Second Anniversary

Here’s to another year of sharing mornings and nights, of dreams and wishes, of fears and disappointments, of love and hope. Here’s to another year of overcoming challenges, celebrating triumphs, and loving one another immensely. I love you, and I wouldn’t trade our life for anything else. Whenever this day comes around, I am filled with love and gratitude. Thank you for giving my life meaning, and for filling it with crazy, funny, romantic, and incredible moments. Thank you for holding my hand through the difficult parts, and for proving to me that there are great love that exist in this world.Thank you for being the best wife and the best friend to me. I love you with all my heart, and I am so proud to be your husband .Happy anniversary! You have shown me what true love means.You are the reason for all my best days. You give comfort in the worst days. You cheer for me and encourage me, and you love me best of all. Thank you for being my wife. I love you so much. Here’s to many mo...